Holding Your Own Hand

We all try to get things done on a daily basis, tick them off our ‘To Do’ list in order to move on to our next busy day. We might think of a plan in our head, imagine how this should go (the quicker the better), write it all down (or not) and start working on each task until all is completed.

We’ll probably make some mistakes along the way, skip a few things without realising that we stopped facing our vision around us in order to learn, we gave up jumping at the opportunity to help when asked. All because we are too busy and everything else seems like it will slow us down, as if slowing down would be something wrong.


Look inside to really listen

In the process of reaching our daily goal, we forget to look inside, to really listen, to be with our own thoughts and to hold our own hand.  Is there something we could offer ourselves in return of our own effort and cooperation? Something we love - maybe we would like a coffee break, how about a hot chocolate, with sprinkles. Or is there something else we like?

Then we could listen to our voice inside. Our own needs and desires, we deserve love and attention, our own attention. We might not always be great company, but we will do something nice for ourselves. A little kindness goes a long way, it’s a very powerful motivator.

Then, we better not go and clean our bathroom, and forget about that coffee. We must really recognise our own compassion, stay with it a little and let it sink in, like the feeling of the warm sun on our face on a hot summer day.


Get organised

Once we are done giving ourselves all that love and compassion, we can take that hand of ours and continue with our busy schedule, tick of our tasks, and get organised 😊. Stay focused, prioritise, and don’t feel bad if things have fallen through the crack, it’s ok, there is always another day!

We might want to share with others. Ask ourselves – what could I say to people around me to help them tomorrow? My boss, my best friend, my brother.. anybody that we interact with, the stranger crossing the road who bumps into us running, or the shopkeeper from Tesco’s who is just needing to chat or be heard. Can I be helpful, do I have skills that might help others? What bit of chaos might I organise at home, at work, in my kitchen or even in my car, so that my busy play tomorrow could go better? What dragon must I banish from my closet – and my mind? Lots of decisions, lots of actions, compose your day, your mind, today and every day from now on.


Could we aim at a better result?

In our own private opinion. Could we compare our yesterday with our tomorrow and use own judgement in order to aim for a better but easier day?

Start small and start with a break, you deserve it!

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